Friday, June 29, 2007


bb: i'm sorry
r: for what? you didn't do anything
bb: i'm sorry he broke your heart
r: i know it was all a lie but he was the only one who made me i feel i wasn't creepy. and don't you tell me i'm not creepy
bb: okay. you're way creepy. but that doesn't mean you have to stay locked in your room. you think you're alone. but you're not.

i think i've posted this conversation before. but i'm doing it again. i don't know why. we always fail to see that all that we need is right in front of us. we neglect the people and the things that have always been around. we take them for granted. but when life deals you a heavy blow, those are the things you'll find yourself falling back on.

damn. i cant find my eraser.

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